Sunday, February 15, 2009

Why 'Sing It'?

At least once, you've walked out of a vendor pitch meeting feeling like you don't remember anything that went on in that room for the past hour.

That's the opposite of what happens when you hear a good song on your way to work. When I hear a good song in the morning, I often find myself singing it all day (see earworm). Songs don't only get stuck in your head, they evoke feeling. Songs have the power to make you feel like you did ten years when you heard that song. That's powerful.

And that's the idea behind Sing It. In vendor marketing, you need to do more than say something. You need to Sing It. You need your audience to leave the room with an idea in their head and a feeling associated to your brand. So, the next time they see your name, they'll have a feeling and a thought to go with it. Then you'll know the pitch was effective.

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