Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Strategically speaking

I found this B L Ochman post very educational for anyone considering social media as part of their overall marketing strategy.

Excellent questions to stimulate serious thought and sound planning prior to jumping in the pool. Even more welcomed than her straight-forward tone, it showcases how social media (when done right) is no different than any marketing campaign. Sure, there are a wealth of free to relatively inexpensive resources online to convey your story - as opposed to the often uneconomical path of traditional media buying or print advertising - but companies need to recognize a shotgun approach won't see results. And though the technology may not be costly, there still needs to be effort and resources put behind a campaign so it's not merely an after-thought. It's a marathon not a sprint.

The CMO/agency conversation struck me, as well.

Placing it on the personal level - how many of us want to be friends with someone who withholds information, or scrubs their language so as to never truly feel genuine? As though s/he is interested only in what we are sharing, not vice versa? How many long-lasting, valued relationships happen within weeks or even months of first meeting?

Social media isn't a quick fix; it's simply another way of communicating to consumers and prospective new consumers.

Building relationships takes time.

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